Как да задаваме въпроси на Английски език? Обобщаваща таблица на всички видове въпросителни изречения.

1. Yes – No questions
Въпроси, чиито отговори са ‘Да’ или ‘Не’.
В отговорът използваме думата, с която сме задали въпроса.
*всеки ред съдържа линк, който отваря подробно обяснение за съответното глаголно време
Сегашно просто време с ‘be’ (без основен глагол) | Are you hungry? | Yes, I am./No, I’m not. |
Сегашно просто време с основен глагол | Do you like ice cream? | Yes, I do./No, I don’t. |
Сегашно продължително време | Are you coming to the party? | Yes, I am./No, I’m not. |
Минало просто време с ‘be’ (без основен глагол) | Were you at home yesterday? | Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t. |
Минало просто време с основен глагол | Did you go out last night? | Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. |
Минало продължително време | Were you watching TV at 8 last night? | Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t. |
Сегашно перфектно време | Have you eaten? | Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. |
Сегашно перфектно продължително време | Have you been working hard? | Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. |
Минало перфектно време | Had you slept? | Yes, I had./No, I hadn’t. |
Минало перфектно продължително време | Had you been running? | Yes, I had./No, I hadn’t. |
Бъдеще просто време | Will you come? | Yes, I will./No, I won’t. |
Бъдеще продължително време | Will you be coming? | Yes, I will./No, I won’t. |
Бъдеще перфектно | Will you have finished at 6? | Yes, I will./No. I won’t. |
Бъдеще перфектно продължително време | Will you have been working? | Yes, I will./ No, I won’t. |
Модални глаголи | Can you swim? | Yes, I can./No, I can’t. |
Модални глаголи | Must you leave? | Yes, I must./No, I mustn’t. |
2. Въпроси, които започват с допълнителна въпросителна дума – ‘Wh’ question word
Запомнете, че при тези въпроси, въпросителната дума стои в началото на изречението, като не променя основния словоред (както е показан в таблица 1).
Сегашно просто време с ‘be’ (без основен глагол) | Who are you? |
Сегашно просто време с основен глагол | Where do you play tennis? |
Сегашно продължително време | When are you coming to the party? |
Минало просто време с ‘be’ (без основен глагол) | Where were you last night? |
Минало просто време с основен глагол | How did you do it? |
Минало продължително време | What were you doing when I called you? |
Сегашно перфектно време | What have you eaten? |
Сегашно перфектно продължително време | Where have you been working hard? |
Минало перфектно време | What had you eaten? |
Минало перфектно продължително време | Why had you been working hard? |
Бъдеще просто време | Who will you meet? |
Бъдеще продължително време | Why will you be sleeping? |
Бъдеще перфектно | When will you have finished? |
Бъдеще перфектно продължително време | What will you have been doing? |
Модални глаголи | Where can we swim? |
Модални глаголи | Why must you leave? |
3. Subject Questions – Въпроси към подглога. Това са въпроси без спомагателeн глагол
Когато ТЪРСИМ кой е подлога/извършителят на действието [само в Сегашно и Минало просто време], НЕ се добавя Спомагателен глагол – do/does/did.
*Това е възможно с въпросителните думи: Who, What, Which, How many
Who writes their songs? /сегашно просто време въпрос към 3то л. ед.ч. | |
How many people speak English? /сегашно просто време въпрос към 3то л. мн.ч. | |
What happened after the concert? /минало просто време | |
Which country won the Eurovision song contest? /минало просто време | |
How many people came to this class? /минало просто време |
4. Indirect Questions – Непреки/Учтиви въпроси
Непреки въпроси с отговор “Да” или “Не” / ‘Yes / No’ Questions
За да зададем въпрос, който изисква yes/no отговор, използваме ‘if’ и инверсия (структура на обикновено съобщително изречение).
‘Yes / no’ questions в различните глаголни времена:
Глаголно време | Direct question/Пряк въпрос | Indirect question/Непряк/Учтив въпрос |
Present simple with ‘be’ | Is he Bulgarian? | Can you tell me if he is Bulgarian? |
Present continuous | Is the shop closing now? | Can you tell me if the shop is closing now? |
Past simple with ‘be’ | Was he late for work? | Can you tell me if he was late for work? |
Past continuous | Were you watching TV at 12:00 a.m.? | Can you tell me if you were watching TV at 12:00 a.m.? |
Present perfect | Has Ani been to London? | Can you tell me if Any has been to London? |
Present perfect continuous | Has she been living here long? | Can you tell me if she has been living here long? |
Past perfect | Had she cleaned the house before they came? | Can you tell me if she had cleaned the house before they came? |
Past perfect continuous | Had he been living here long when he met Anna? | Can you tell me if he had been living here long when he met Anna? |
Future simple with ‘will’ | Will she start her now job next week? | Can you tell me if she will start her new job next week? |
Future simple with ‘going to’ | Is it going to rain later? | Can you tell me if it is going to rain later? |
Future continuous | Will Sarah be meeting the client later? | Can you tell me if Sarah will be meeting the client later? |
Future perfect | Will he have finished the project by next week? | Can you tell me if he will have finished the project by next week? |
Future perfect continuous | Will he have been studying English for twenty years when he retires? | Can you tell me if he will have been studying English for twenty years when he retires? |
Modal verbs | Should we start now? | Can you tell me if we should start now? |
Непреки въпроси – ‘Yes / no’ questions със Сегашно и Минало просто време и спомагателните глаголи ‘do / does / did’:
*Тук do/does/did се заместват от if и основният глагол се слага в съответното време:
Глаголно време | Direct question/Пряк въпрос | Indirect question/Непряк/Учтив въпрос |
Present simple with any verb except ‘be’ | Do you drink water? | Can you tell me if you drink water? |
Present simple with any verb except ‘be’ | Does Eva live in London? | Can you tell me if Eva lives in London? |
Past simple with any verb except ‘be’ | Did Leila call Robert yesterday? | Can you tell me if Leila called Robert yesterday? |
Непреки въпроси, които съдържат – ‘Wh’ въпросителна дума
В този случай използваме допълнителната въпросителна дума и стандартния словоред на съобщителното изречение:
Глаголно време | Direct question/Пряк въпрос | Indirect question/Непряк/Учтив въпрос |
Present simple with ‘be’ | Why is he happy? | Can you tell me why he is happy? |
Present continuous | When is the shop closing? | Can you tell me when the shop is closing? |
Past simple with ‘be’ | Why was he late for work? | Can you tell me why he was late for work? |
Past continuous | What were you doing at 12:00 a.m.? | Can you tell me what you were doing at 12:00 a.m.? |
Present perfect | Where has Anna been? | Can you tell me where Anna has been? |
Present perfect continuous | How long has she been living here? | Can you tell me how long she has been living here? |
Past perfect | Why had she quit her job before she moved here? | Can you tell me why she had quit her job before she moved here? |
Past perfect continuous | How long had she been living here when she met you? | Can you tell me how long she had been living here when she met you? |
Future simple with ‘will’ | When will she start her new project? | Can you tell me when she will start her new project? |
Future simple with ‘going to’ | When is it going to rain? | Can you tell me when it is going to rain? |
Future continuous | What time will Sarah be meeting the client? | Can you tell me what time Sarah will be meeting the client? |
Future perfect | When will he have finished the project? | Can you tell me when he will have finished the project? |
Future perfect continuous | How long will he have been studying English when he retires? | Can you tell me how long he will have been studying English when he retires? |
Modal verbs | What should we do now? | Can you tell me what we should do now? |
Непреки въпроси – ‘Wh’ questions със Сегашно и Минало просто време и спомагателните глаголи ‘do / does / did’
*Тук do/does/did се изпускат и основният глагол се слага в съответното време:
Глаголно време | Direct question/Пряк въпрос | Indirect question/Непряк/Учтив въпрос |
Present simple with any verb except ‘be’ | When do you drink water? | Can you tell me when you drink water? |
Present simple with any verb except ‘be’ | Where does Leila live? | Can you tell me where Leila lives? |
Past simple with any verb except ‘be’ | Why did Emma call Robert yesterday? | Can you tell me why Emma called Robert yesterday? |
Could you tell me where the station is ?
NOT: Could you tell me where is the station?
5. Questions with Prepositions at the End of the Clause
Когато имаме предлог при въпросителното изречение, той стои накрая.
Who are you waiting for? | Where did this come from? |
Who are they with? | Which school did you go to? |
Who did you sit with at the meeting? | Which restaurant should we eat at? |
What are you working on? | Which candidate are they going to vote for? |
What are you looking at? | Whose house did they go to? |
What was the meeting about? | Whose problems were they talking about? |
Where is she from? | Whose party were they at last night? |